
Showing posts from 2019

Thanksgiving & Praise

With Thanksgiving a day away, we need to stop for a moment to take a look at what we’re thankful for.   The next few weeks will be full of spending time with family, friends, and those we love. Whether it be time spent talking in person, texting each other, or on the phone because of the approaching holidays or just catching up on the years events that were missed from not seeing each other for a while. We need to take a moment, from the hustle and bustle, to reflect and seek God.   We should be thankful every day, no matter what things may lie ahead for that day, God needs to be thanked. There is so much going on in our great country right now that sometimes we lose sight of what there is to be thankful for. Why should we thank God, you may ask, or why should we even praise Him when times are so tough?   We can't give the gifts this Christmas that we would like to.   Well, I can't think of a time that this is more needed! God inhabits the praises of His people. This mean

Prayer Requests!

Today, I feel a tugging at my heart that a lot of people need prayer and haven't been asking for it. I do pray everyday, however this will be a special time set aside for only these requests during my evening prayer time.  So, I'm asking for anyone who would like prayer to notify me through email: or Facebook message, the ministry site:, or you can even leave a comment on this blog.  Also, if you have any Praise Reports you may send them as well. 2 Chronicles 7:14   (NKJV) 14  if My people who are  called by My name will  humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,  then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. God Bless You throughout the rest of the year!  Looking forward to a great and prosperous New Year in 2020!  Pastor Jean Marie

Prayer for Overcoming Fear

2 Timothy 1:7   (NKJV) 7  For  God has not given us a spirit of fear,  but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Father God- I come before You this day to offer to you all the fears I have in my life.  I ask that you take these burdens from me so I may walk in Your righteousness, dear Father.   I come before Your throne humbly under Your mighty hand, casting all my cares upon You, for I know that You will care for me! (1 Peter 5:6-7)   I command  that all fear and anxieties be gone from me, in Jesus name, for Satan has no power over my mind or my body!  I am a child of the Living God, an overcomer, and a mighty servant of the Lord!  There is NO EVIL that shall befall me, in the name of Jesus! (Psalm 91 protection scripture). Thank You Lord for making me Your righteousness through Your Son, Jesus!  I praise You for all Your work that, Lord, You have done for me.  In You I will trust and always find my refuge and strength for there is none greater than You, Father. P

Faith Prayer

Faith Prayer Heavenly Father- I repent this day for all my wrong doings and ask You, Lord for forgiveness this day.  I ask that You bestow upon me the faith I need to be closer to You.  I, also, ask for the words that Jesus spoke in Matthew 17:20, for those words to manifest in my life, to be the kind of faith that can move mountains. I claim all knowledge and understanding of Your word, for I know that what it says is truth!  Open my eyes that I may see the path you have before me and open my ears that I may hear what you are trying to speak to me.  Teach me to trust with Your wisdom of what You, Lord, are showing me to do with my life.  Let me learn to let go and let God.  Help me to believe that You have chosen the best path You would have for me to go.  Thank you so much for what You have done in my life and what You are about to continue to do in my life.  Let others see in me, who You truly are, so that they may experience the freedom of Your salvation.  Thank You, Lord,

Thanking God

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life we tend to forget that we need to not only ask God to answer our prayers, but we need to Thank God for answering our prayers.  God has shown me through the years that it is just as important to thank and praise Him, as it is to come before Him with our needs and wants.  Why do we just assume He owes us answered prayers and not thank Him?  Isn't He worthy of our praise and thanksgiving?  After all He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for us.  It puzzles me as to how many Christians forget how important this is, and how many churches don't teach this anymore.  When you give someone a gift, don't you expect at least a thank you for that gift?  So, why do we hesitate in thanking our Father in Heaven for all He's done in our life? If you have noticed on this prayer blog the first statement I make in my prayers is a thank you to God, it is usually my ending statement in a prayer as well.  This solidifies my respect and honor to God t

Prayer for El Paso

Dear Heavenly Father- We bow our heads in prayer for yet another tragedy that has occurred today in our great nation.  We ask that You surround the families and the people of Texas, as they face the loss of loved ones and healing of others who were injured.  Bring forth Your holy angels to comfort them in their time of need.  Please give all those involved the strength and courage they need to be there for others.  We ask that you join us all together in unity, Father, so that we don't condemn each other but that we lift each other up.  We thank You for your mercy, grace, forgiveness, and the healing Your Holy Spirit brings to us.  We all know in our hearts that we are still one nation Under God, and will remain forever in Your arms, as long as, this is our testimony.  According to Your word: Psalm 33:12   New King James Version (NKJV) Blessed  is  the nation whose God  is  the  Lord , The people He has  chosen as His own inheritance. Thank you Lord, for all you have d

June / July 2019

Sorry that I haven't posted for a while.  There's been a lot going on in my family that had to have some attention the past couple of months.  I praise the Lord for all He has been doing and truly have nothing but praise to offer Him.  The amazing challenges and obstacles He has turned into something good and blessed us mentally, spiritually, and most of all physically in our time of need, which is way more than what we could've asked for.  God is truly good all the time! One thing that I've learned the most throughout this 2019 Spring/Summer is that we need not to worry about one single thing for God is in control if you learn to Surrender all that you are and have to Him and Him alone.  God has turned sorrow into joy and failures into success, just by giving it all to Him.  Who knows better than our Father in Heaven as to what needs we have that bring us grief, anxiety, and worries.   1 Peter 5:6-7 (NKJV) 6  Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of Go

Memorial Day Reflection & Prayer

Today has been our Memorial Day in the USA for our fallen soldiers. Those who served our country for freedom giving the ultimate sacrifice for that purpose.  We need to reflect what this freedom means and quit allowing those freedoms from being stomped on.  It's time to stand as a country for the rights of all not just the minority but for all.   Stop forcing your opinions on others, learn to love them instead.  Stand for what you know is right, by showing people the truth not forcing it on them.  Also, research what you stand for and have an open mind.  It does us no good to argue with each other.  We all have a right to freedom and that's what the men and women in this great nation have fought for. Remember, Christ gave the first ultimate sacrifice at the cross for everyone of us!  Freeing us from sin and death, through His atoning blood. Also, remember the soldier who gave that sacrifice for our freedoms, for God and Country!  We are to respect and honor those brave peop

Confession For Grieving

Confession on Grieving By Marty Jo and Jean-Marie Lord Jesus, As I come to you this day, thanking You, for all You have done for me.   I appreciate the way You have taken care of my family.   It’s been a blessing to see how You usher us into heaven.   I am so blessed to have You as my Savior. I know that Your peace envelops me and helps me through the time of mourning, when missing my loved ones.   As it states in Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.” I believe that through Jesus’ atoning blood that this has made it possible for me and my family to live with You in Heaven for eternity.   Until it is my time to join You and my family in Heaven, I will do what You have called me to do. Because there is nothing else that I would rather do than to serve You. For You Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.   (Psalms 18:28) Every step I’ve taken throughout my life has been guided by your hand and I am so fortunat

When you Wake Confession/Prayer

Good evening everyone, I hope that you are enjoying Maundy Thursday and Easter Week.  I love this time of year and I thank God for sending His Son to pay the ultimate price for our sins.  What a wonderful Savior we serve. Here is the second prayer that will work together with the Bedtime prayer.  This you confess and pray when you first wake up in the morning, before you start your day.  Please let me know if you need prayer for anything or have any questions.  You can leave comments to any of the prayers or confessions I write on the blog.  You can also email me at, if you want to discuss something in private.  I praise the Lord for you all and hope that these prayers will bring you everything you need. God Bless, Jean Marie When You Awake in the Morning Psalm 3:5-6 (NKJV) I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the  Lord  sustained me.   I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set  themselves  against me all around.

Before Bed Prayer/Confession

This bedtime prayer is to help you rest from all stress, anxieties, and worries of the day.  This is a great way to end your day before you lay down to sleep.  I will be posting the morning prayer that goes with this one tomorrow.  Hope this helps you get a restful and peaceful sleep, as well as, a great end to your day. Many blessings, Jean Marie Bedtime Cleansing of the Mind Prayer Proverbs 3:24 (NKJV) When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down, and your sleep will be sweet. Father In the Name of Jesus I ask that You clear my mind of all worry, all anxiety, all unforgiveness, all fears, and all sense of insecurities.   I surrender my mind, body, and spirit to You Father. (repeat 5x) Lord, forgive me of all sins and wrong doing that I have done throughout this day.   I thank You for clearing my mind and giving me the rest, I need throughout this night.   Thank You for the many blessings of today.   Thank You for the sleep and now I will

Updated website and Blog Spot

Ok, so we have the website updated with the new email address and name.  The website address is and the name is LLTC (Loving Life Through Christ).  The update blog spot for the ministry is  I will be posting to both plus this site on a more regular basis, as I see a huge need to get this ministry rolling faster than it has been. I will be launching my first book this summer which will be a start of a series of books call A Call To Arms, with book one being about the Triune God, and the second book about Prayer.  All very spiritual and in depth.  God is on the move in a very mighty way!  I will keep you all posted about these before they're released on Amazon. I will continue to post prayers and confessions that I write to this site.  Anyone who would like prayer or have an idea for a prayer or confession that they would like me to write for them can email me at  Also, would love to hear fro

Prayer Meetings And More

So we have been doing a prayer meeting in our community for almost a year now.  We've decided to add a couple new extensions to the group on Tuesday nights.  One is a Cancer Support Group that will meet in the adjacent room to the prayer meetings.  This is to help those that are dealing with all types of cancers with themselves or family and friends.  We hope to reach out to many people who have a need for somewhere to go and talk with those who are in the same situations or on the same journey in life that they are.  Secondly, we will be making the third Tuesday of the month a time for questions and answers in the prayer group, as there are many people who have been asking me questions about God and what salvation is all about that don't come to meeting but live within the area.  It's a good time to talk about God and to answer the many questions people have about Christianity today.  What I'm asking for right now is that you all pray for us as we venture out into
Sorry, it's been a while since posting on the blog!  I've been in the middle of revamping the ministry that God has given to us to run.  First, we have a name change and this blog will be linked to it.  We are changing I AM Home Ministries to Loving Life Through Christ Ministry or LLTC Ministry.  We've started a prayer group in West Michigan and it's starting to get some recognition within the area. Along with the prayer group we will be starting a once a month question and answer session for those who want to learn more about God, this will be for everyone and non bias.  I will be starting the YouTube Channel back up with two series one will be:  Back to the Bible.  Where you will be  learning about who God truly is and how He worked through the prophets of old and new testaments.  The second series will be:  Inspiration from Women of the Bible.  This will take us through the main women who obeyed God, through out the old testament and new testament, showing us that w