Thanking God

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life we tend to forget that we need to not only ask God to answer our prayers, but we need to Thank God for answering our prayers.  God has shown me through the years that it is just as important to thank and praise Him, as it is to come before Him with our needs and wants.  Why do we just assume He owes us answered prayers and not thank Him?  Isn't He worthy of our praise and thanksgiving?  After all He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for us.  It puzzles me as to how many Christians forget how important this is, and how many churches don't teach this anymore.  When you give someone a gift, don't you expect at least a thank you for that gift?  So, why do we hesitate in thanking our Father in Heaven for all He's done in our life?

If you have noticed on this prayer blog the first statement I make in my prayers is a thank you to God, it is usually my ending statement in a prayer as well.  This solidifies my respect and honor to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!  Showing God the love and recognition He so much deserves for all the grace and mercy that He bestows upon us. 

No matter what situation you're in, it's not God's fault as He doesn't wish ill on any of His people or even those who don't believe.  He shows us a path and a way to Him, all we need to do is take that path.  If we stagger off that path once in awhile we suffer the consequences until we step back onto the correct path.  In that time, we need to be praising and thanking God for His love, mercy, and grace.  Our existence in this life is worthy of His praise, since He is the creator of all.

Psalm 30:12 New King James Version (NKJV)

To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.

Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.

Let's pray: 

Lord God Almighty-  How great is Your love for us.  I come before You, Father, this day to only thank You for all that You have done in my life.  For giving me a chance to know who You are and for showing me Your mercy and grace.  Thank You so much for my existence and for making me the unique person that You want me to be.  I will glorify and magnify Your name, Lord, forever.  I would not have life if it wasn't for You!  Praise Your wonderful and mighty name!  I thank You for what You are about to do in my life and Surrender all that I am to you.

In Jesus' Name!


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