Memorial Day Reflection & Prayer

Today has been our Memorial Day in the USA for our fallen soldiers. Those who served our country for freedom giving the ultimate sacrifice for that purpose.  We need to reflect what this freedom means and quit allowing those freedoms from being stomped on.  It's time to stand as a country for the rights of all not just the minority but for all.  

Stop forcing your opinions on others, learn to love them instead.  Stand for what you know is right, by showing people the truth not forcing it on them.  Also, research what you stand for and have an open mind.  It does us no good to argue with each other.  We all have a right to freedom and that's what the men and women in this great nation have fought for.

Remember, Christ gave the first ultimate sacrifice at the cross for everyone of us!  Freeing us from sin and death, through His atoning blood. Also, remember the soldier who gave that sacrifice for our freedoms, for God and Country!  We are to respect and honor those brave people for what they did to save us from those who could have done us great harm.  Look through history and see how God has led this great nation.  We need to stand fast as ONE NATION UNDER GOD!  Let's hold to this, for I wouldn't want to be in any other nation where God isn't the head.

John 15:13
 “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” 


Father God:  We thank you for the brave men and women who are serving this great nation for it's protection and it's freedoms.  Keeping us one nation under You, Lord.  We ask that you would protect them from harm, send your angels to stand with them through any dangers that may be placed in their paths.  You know the situations that our soldiers fight against everyday, so we ask that you guide them as they fight for our great nation.  

Thank you for keeping our country safe and bringing us into the understanding of how important it is to keep you first in our nation.  Bless each and everyone.

In Jesus Name, 


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