#Strength for Covid 19 Pandemic

By the time I realized that Covid-19 was actually a very serious virus, there was a lot going through my mind.  The fears and anxieties that we face everyday, were trying to take control of my mind.  My thoughts would race, what are we going to do, are my family and friends safe, do we have enough food and TP, and so on, just like everyone else.  I began to see that these thoughts could overtake me in a way that I didn't want to go.  I know that God is in Control and I know how to control my thoughts, but this was new to me and something different that I needed to learn.  So, one scripture that was running through me at this point was Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"  I realized that I was moving at too fast of a pace within my mind.  So, as I started to read this everyday, I knew that I needed to close my mind to the thoughts of panic and anxieties, and to be still for God is in Control.

Surrendering to what God was telling me, in this period of time, has given me a new found wisdom from God.  The peace that passes all understanding has fallen upon me and I have no fear.  I've discovered how true the statement is that Fear is a LIAR and holds no truth.  Fear could have overwhelmed my very existence during this time, but I haven't allowed it to take my joy, that is in the Lord.  I have gained a new boldness that I needed to gain as a minister and servant of the Lord, which only God can give.  I'm not afraid of this virus, nor of what is going to happen in the upcoming months.  I truly Know God and Know His peace.  Praise the Lord for this knowledge, that I can share!

God needed to slow us down, because we move at such a fast pace to the point of losing site of what is important.  We all needed to stop and listen!  I'm not saying that this is some wrath of God or even a chastisement upon His people or the people of the world.  What I'm saying is God is trying to use this to do a GREAT and MIGHTY work within His Church and all the people that need to seek Him.

The day I was laid off from my job, I knew that God wanted His people to come closer to each other, as well as, come closer to Him.  To find out who we are, who our family and friends are, and who God is to us.  He wants a people that will love others as He does and show it!  He also, wants a people who wants to know Him with all of His wisdom, knowledge, with grace and mercy.  In this time that I've spent learning more about God, the closer I get to Him and the realization that I wouldn't know what to do without Him.  Faith is the key that will unlock the door, and love will be the strength that embraces us.  For above all God is LOVE.

In this season, that we are in right now, please encourage each other with love.  Embrace each day with faith and hope.  Let God point you in the direction that you should be going.  Let's show others that we are the CHURCH and nothing can with hold the Love of Jesus, our savior, nor God our Father, nor  the Holy Spirit, our comforter and our peace.  There is no time for being selfish, thinking of worldly things including money, politics, conspiracies, or worries.

God needs His people to call out to Him and pray for healing of our world.  This gives God great joy when we stop to listen, taking a moment to pray for His help.  Let's wait on the Lord, while going through this traumatizing time, while we are forced to learn patience, because now is the time that we need to reflect.

Isaiah 40:31  But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;  They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

May God Bless you all and keep you safe!  Pray like you've never prayed before, surrender it all to Him, and trust that GOD is TRULY IN CONTROL!

Blessings to all!
Pastor Jean Marie

Read 2 Corinthians 1:1-9  Give me your thoughts.

Prayer for Covid-19 Healing and Strength:

Heavenly Father-
As I begin this prayer, I ask that Your Holy Spirit will comfort me and my family, and bring Your healing power to all those who need You.  I ask that Your anointing will engulf all those who are sick with the virus that has spread around the world.  Take away all infectious illness that is trying to take over all of our bodies. For it states in Isaiah 53:5, That by Your stripes we are healed.  I claim this scripture for all those that are in need of healing, In the Name of Jesus.

Please be with those who are working on the front lines of this virus and seeing so much depression and death. We know that you give us the comfort we need to get through this. Give all of our doctors and nurses strength and keep them safe from harm. Lift them up Lord and show them what needs to be done. Walk before them with your love and peace. Give our scientists the vaccine that is needed to stop the COVID-19, so that it can be administered to those who are in need of it right now, in the name of Jesus. I ask that you save us all from this horrible virus, that your Holy Spirit travels throughout the whole earth to heal all of those who need healing from the virus. We ask this for you have promised us that no plague shall come near our dwelling in Psalm 91, we proclaim that promise for the whole world.

I lift my hands up in praise to You, Lord, for all that You are doing right now for our lives.  Thank You for Your healing power, mercy, kindness, and love.  We know that no matter the outcome of this mass panic that You remain in control.  I surrender all my life to You, for You created me and I Trust in YOU!

In the Name of Jesus!



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