
Showing posts from 2020

Thanksgiving & Praise 2020

  Thanksgiving & Praise 2020   First, you may be asking yourself, what should Thanksgiving look like in the year 2020?   Let us take a look at the year that has changed so many of our lives, and still continues to.   Since Thanksgiving Day is almost here, we need to start this week and end this week with thanksgiving for what we have gained and remember the challenges we have faced, to be able to THANK and PRAISE GOD for getting us through each hour of each day of this past year to now.   We have faced many things including loss of family members, a pandemic, loss of jobs, loss of financial security, mental health issues, strange weather, chaos with civil unrest, political deceit, and some have even lost their faith.   So, you ask, how is it we can be thankful for anything?   Well, God does know that there are a lot of us that are having a problem with prayer, thanksgiving, and praising Him.   He understands each of our situations, howev...

Hope in the Lord!

  When we put our hope and faith in someone or something, they will always fail us.   However, when we put our hope in the Lord, He will never fail us. This year has been strange I do have to agree with this.   Through all that has been going on some of us are losing or have lost hope in God.   This is not the answer.   If anything, as for me, what has happened is I have gained more hope and faith in God.   I have gained a personal relationship with Him that is even greater than before.   He knows the plans He has for us and will make a way for those plans to come into play, no matter what it takes. (Jeremiah 29:11)     God loves us unconditionally, in a way that is beyond our comprehension and thoughts.   His way is perfect, as He is the only one who knows the future we are to have. In this time of unrest, we have found that man deceives, hates, and lacks respect.   We cannot count on those who are in the power of our nations t...

God in the Center

  God in the Center "Not by our views or opinions but by God's grace and love are what leads the sinner to God's eternal goodness!" Pastor Jean Marie By putting God in the center of our lives, we look at the world in a different light. We look to the love of God and His goodness to save those who are still sinners and don’t know Him. Through God's forever gracious love we are to leave our opinions and judgments behind. Romans 8:1-4 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but a...

Turning From Our Wicked Ways

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves , and pray , and seek my face , and turn from their wicked ways ; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin , and will heal their land . Through this season, we keep seeing this scripture, mainly on social media sites.  God is trying really hard to show His people what is going on, yet are we LISTENING?   Are we turning from our wicked ways? These are the questions that we, the church need to look at. I haven't been hearing compassion too much on social media or in public places that much. We need to love one ano ther as we love ourselves and love God above anything or anyone. Are we ACTING upon this scripture? Are we LOVING unconditionally? We need to REPENT from our ways and start sharing the love that God has given us in a very productive way, leading others who need Him to SALVATION.  Ezekiel 33:8-9 KJV When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, ...

Therefore No Condemnation In Salvation

Therefore No Condemnation "​Not by our views or opinions but by #God's grace and love are what leads the #sinner to God's eternal goodness!" Pastor Jean Marie By putting God in the center of our lives, we look at the world in a different light. We look to the love of God and His goodness to save those who are sinners and don't know Him. Through God's forever gracious love we are to leave our opinions and judgments behind. Romans 8:1-4  There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the f...

Born Again Salvation through Jesus : with Jean Marie

This is one of my first sermons on Youtube from 2 years ago.  I know it's been a while, but I'm going back to doing this once a week if not more.  Especially since this is the only way that I can preach at the present time with what is happening.   If you like the videos, please share them and like them on the channel and if you'd like to subscribe, so that you can see more videos.  Here's the link: . My first time back will be within the next couple of days.  I will be posting them on the blog, on the Facebook page, and on the website,  If there are any questions, you can message me through Facebook, email through the website by subscribing, or email me directly at    I look forward to teaching you all these next few weeks about love, changing the church, and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and how they affect our li...

Update on I AM Home Ministry & Books

Good Evening Everyone- I hope today has found you happy and blessed!  I have started my podcasts, with the first two being loaded within a couple of days of each other.  You can find them at or there's a link on the I Am Home Facebook page.  I hope that you will enjoy the little reflections that I will be leaving there 2 or more times a week. My book is on the final run of writing then I will be headed to publish it, most likely through Amazon.  It's called:  A Call To Righteousness, Understanding the Triune God.  I will give everyone a link to it who would like to purchase it.  More details to come. Even though we've been in lockdown for a bit and having to wear masks wherever we go, I feel very blessed.  The main reason is that God and I have become very close, in fact, closer than I ever could have imagined being.  He is truly the author and finisher of my life and my best friend that I...

Change Our World, Oh God!

We take life forgranted, thinking that we will be here forever.  We don't realize how fast our life can change nor if we will be around the next minute, hour, or day.We need to live each day like it's our last.  This is something we hear a lot.  But the truth cannot be ignored, we actually need to live each day as there is no end, so we can encourage others. Ask yourself what type of legacy do I want to leave, one that promotes my faith, my beliefs, and show the love of Christ to the world, or a life that is full of judging others, being self-righteous, and only being angry and hateful to others in the world?  Do you want to wake up and see the goodness of God every day and the people around you that need to be loved? Or are you looking at each day in dispair and who is going to put you in a bad mood for the day?  If you want to change but can't.  If you want the world to see you as a good person but you just don't know how to become that person.  I...

Prayer Warriors Unite in Prayer

Calling to arms all prayer warriors of God.  Please read the prayer that was written, that is much needed for our world and for our nation.  As things have been moving from bad to worse, we need to gather together in prayer and fight this battle spiritually not just physically.  We need to ask for forgiveness about the way others have felt about the Christian faith, as some of our Christian leaders have lead them astray.  There is no racial differences in heaven, so why should there be here on earth.  We need to love people back to God, before there is no saving the world. Through this pandemic and racial outcry, I've realized that people are living in a fear, that goes beyond our comprehension, instead of turning to God through prayer. Prayer is the most important way to fight any battle, if you're an intercessor, you above all know this, for fear is a liar and is not from God.  We need to quit fighting our battles with relentless discord and start figh...

True Love

Love when used in general terms could mean many things.   It could be the love of a friend, sister, brother, father, mother, or any of your relatives.   It also could be as simple as a neighbor or acquaintance that you are just starting to get acquainted with.   Love as some see it is related to sex, in forms of gender or other means.   However, there is a definition of love that is truth and most accurate to all.   It comes as a gift and it is free, because the one who created all there is, has made it that way.   The only way to obtain or feel this kind of love is through salvation with an understanding of God and His Son, Jesus, whom He sent to suffer and die for all mankind through all eternity to the very end of the world. With God there is no color, no religion, no gender, and no reason not to love you for who you are and where you are.   He does not see your sins once you have given your life to Him through salvation.   This love is no...