True Love

Love when used in general terms could mean many things.  It could be the love of a friend, sister, brother, father, mother, or any of your relatives.  It also could be as simple as a neighbor or acquaintance that you are just starting to get acquainted with.  Love as some see it is related to sex, in forms of gender or other means.  However, there is a definition of love that is truth and most accurate to all.  It comes as a gift and it is free, because the one who created all there is, has made it that way.  The only way to obtain or feel this kind of love is through salvation with an understanding of God and His Son, Jesus, whom He sent to suffer and die for all mankind through all eternity to the very end of the world.
With God there is no color, no religion, no gender, and no reason not to love you for who you are and where you are.  He does not see your sins once you have given your life to Him through salvation.  This love is not one that can be bought or begged.  God’s love is unconditional, never ending, and pure.  It fills you with joy and peace in every situation in your life.  God is the definition of what love is.  What more could the creator do, then to love His creation?
Right now, God is saddened by what is happening within our nation.  The hate and anger of our neighbors has come to a point that we cannot hardly bare to watch from day to day what the news is telling us.  I have noticed that even Christians are being judgmental and what comes from their hearts is hate.  How can you proclaim to love God, yet you cannot love those who are around you?  If we follow the word of God at all we know that first, we are to love the Lord our God with our whole being and second, love your neighbor as yourself.  This is the new covenant given to us through Christ Jesus and we still have challenges following it.

Matthew 22:37-40 (NKJV)
37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

Please take a moment to reflect this day on LOVE.  Find it in your heart to see that ALL lives matter to God.  Hold fast to your faith and be guided by love.  The enemy is trying to get us to go astray, the only way to defeat him is with love and kindness towards our fellow man.
Let us pray together for our nation and the whole world.  Ban together in one accord to become unified and not divided for as long as we all believe in the power of the Almighty God, we will be saved, no matter what doctrine you believe, we can all see eye to eye when it comes to the love of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father-
We thank you for this day and all that you have done.  We all know that we have sinned and forgotten what Jesus, your Son, gave us through love.  We understand that sometimes we need You to direct us back to the right path, so we humbly ask that you help us back to You and Your love.
You have seen all that is happening in our world right now.  We ask that you heal our world of all viruses, diseases, corruption, chaos, and division.  Give us strength to preach your word once again and to show others Your love and righteousness.  Let us not be tempted by social media, for the path that it leads us to is not of You but is at times corruptible and evil.  Keep our eyes focused towards Your wisdom and knowledge, leading with love.
Bring us to the season of revival, helping us not to forget what has happened within this season of despair, pain, and anguish.  Show those around us that we love because You first loved us.  Hear our cries, O Lord, we pray.

In the Name of Jesus,

The only place we need to be right now, is on our knees in prayer.  Remember, God is in control and He has never failed us yet.  Peace and blessings to you all for a great weekend. 

In Christ’s Love-
Pastor Jean-Marie

If you are in need of prayer or would like to know more about salvation that is offered to you, freely, please email me at or go to my website and leave it on our prayer page at  Look forward to hearing from you.  Be blessed and be safe!


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