Prayer Warriors Unite in Prayer

Calling to arms all prayer warriors of God.  Please read the prayer that was written, that is much needed for our world and for our nation.  As things have been moving from bad to worse, we need to gather together in prayer and fight this battle spiritually not just physically.  We need to ask for forgiveness about the way others have felt about the Christian faith, as some of our Christian leaders have lead them astray.  There is no racial differences in heaven, so why should there be here on earth.  We need to love people back to God, before there is no saving the world.

Through this pandemic and racial outcry, I've realized that people are living in a fear, that goes beyond our comprehension, instead of turning to God through prayer. Prayer is the most important way to fight any battle, if you're an intercessor, you above all know this, for fear is a liar and is not from God.  We need to quit fighting our battles with relentless discord and start fighting this battle in the prayer room.  God is in control and will always remain in control as long as His people will humble themselves to pray.

2 Chronicles 7:14
 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Heavenly Father- 

We ask that You forgive us our sins this day and proclaim the Lord’s Prayer according to Matthew 6:9-13; Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 

We humbly come to you asking for a miracle to revolt against all evil that has been trying to overtake our world.  We implore for You to send Your Holy Spirit to reign upon all the church, which are Your people, to help through intercessory prayer with this battle that is being presented before us by our enemy, the devil.  We also implore that You would give us the angels that are needed to fight this battle spiritually for the victory has already been won by YOU.  For it says in Your word in Psalm 91, that No Weapon formed against us shall prosper nor shall any evil befall us, therefore we claim this word for all the people of the world in the name of Jesus.  We who understand the mighty power of prayer, beseech You, God, to open the eyes of all Christians to see who we are fighting against, that this is not a fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, that are trying to hinder our walk of faith and destroy the nation whose God is the Lord.  We speak this again according to Your word that is written in Ephesians 6, while also having us put on Your armor, oh God, to help in the spiritual battle with our enemy. 

We come before the heavenlies and command that Your angels will bind all those principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness, that are trying to overcome God’s people, we bind their hold on our nations for it says in God's word that what is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven, in the mighty name of Jesus.  Lord, we ask that everyone who is saved will be covered right now with forgiveness by the blood of Jesus, through the atonement of our sins, which Jesus took upon himself through the cross at Calvary. 

We claim healing for our cities, every person, and every nation.  We ask for Your spirit of Salvation to fall upon all those who are searching and hunger for Your peace, love, mercy, and grace.  Be with us Lord through all these things that are happening around us.  Open our eyes to the truth of Your love.  Open our ears to hear what you have to say.  Teach us to be still and know that You are God, as we claim Psalm 46:10.

We also claim protection over all those who are in leadership of our nations, those who are protesting in peace, police officers, innocent by standers, media crews, and all those who are in harms way.  We ask that you would keep all those who are involved on the front lines of the virus and in rioting in your hands of protection, as well, and that there would be no more deaths due to either one in the name of Jesus.  Show us your mercy and love once again dear Lord.  Show us how to help those who need to be helped for we know you love us all.  Show us how to incorporate Your unconditional, never ending Agape love to others.  Lead us and fill our hearts with Your love.

We thank You and praise You for all that You have done and are about to do. 

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, 

Have a blessed and powerful week.  Read all scripture that was written in the prayer this week it will help you gain spiritual strength in the Lord.

Christ's love to all, 
Pastor Jean Marie


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