Change Our World, Oh God!

We take life forgranted, thinking that we will be here forever.  We don't realize how fast our life can change nor if we will be around the next minute, hour, or day.We need to live each day like it's our last.  This is something we hear a lot.  But the truth cannot be ignored, we actually need to live each day as there is no end, so we can encourage others.

Ask yourself what type of legacy do I want to leave, one that promotes my faith, my beliefs, and show the love of Christ to the world, or a life that is full of judging others, being self-righteous, and only being angry and hateful to others in the world?  Do you want to wake up and see the goodness of God every day and the people around you that need to be loved? Or are you looking at each day in dispair and who is going to put you in a bad mood for the day?  If you want to change but can't.  If you want the world to see you as a good person but you just don't know how to become that person.  If you want to turn your anxieties, your sorrows, your hurt, your pain, and all the worries of this life into a life that you can become a conqueror, then your answer needs to be Jesus.

2020 has not been the best year for any of us.  In some of us, it has brought out the worse in us, and others the best.  That is because the way you are forseeing things and the screaming that has been going on within you.  God wanted to bring us to our knees, so if you are a believer, please listen hard and if not listen even harder, read this with an open heart and mind.  God wants us to learn who our family is, with social media no one was sitting down to eat or talk together at their homes, let alone at the dinner table.  We took prayer out of schools and even out of some of the churches, so why let us go to church, until we know the importance of going to fellowship with the body of Christ, prayer, and the importance of teaching salvation throughout the year.  Women think that a baby is just an embryo that can be kept or thrown away because of convenience.  What would have happened if Jesus had decided that we were an inconvenience and not fulfilled what God had sent Him to do?  Don't you think that would have been selfish of Him?  What if we only had our sports players, actors/actresses, leaders, pastors, evangelists,  money, social media,  government in control over God? Oh that's right, we already have put them in the place of God, making people and things as idols. And isn't God for all of us who have sinned and fallen short of His glory, no matter race, gender, belief, or occupations? You wonder why God is not rushing to bring us back to where we were a year ago.  Think about this, this is causing all the anxieties and worries.  He wants us to LOVE one another, no matter what.

I'm not writing this as a judgement, but a plea for the people of God and the unbelievers.  We need to think before we act.  We need to LOVE before we hate. We need to be humbled before we can go back to who we were, but we shouldn't want to go back.  God is telling us to move forward to bring back the love, bring back the family, bring back friendships & fellowships, bring us back to ONE NATION UNDER GOD!  Instead of being concerned about what the government is doing, we need to be concerned about WHAT GOD IS DOING!  God will continue to bring people to their knees until we listen to His plea.  

In closing, the only way we can start being at peace is to bring God back into our lives, our schools, our churches, and our homes.  We need to stop whining about the little things.  Whether or not you like it people lose their freedoms all over the world every day, but if we look to God, He is the ONLY ONE who can stop this from happening.  Come to Jesus, get on your knees and pray that our nation becomes healed.  Ask for forgiveness of our sins, not just your own sins, but all of ours.  For on that day, we don't want to be left behind thinking we made the right choice, when all we did was please our own selfishness.  Give from your heart, love like you never have loved, and above all look up to God for He is in Control of this.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

2 Chronicles 7:13-15 (NKJV)
13 When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.

Many Blessings and Love!  I will be praying for you all!
Pastor Jean Marie


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