Call To Pray: Prayer Warriors United

God is calling His people to prayer.  After all that has happened during the past few months, starting our year off with not knowing what is actually happening, I am asking you to join me for a special day of prayer every week this will be part of the Loving Life Through Christ prayer team.  This day will be chosen by you, as you know what time works best in your life.  Let me know the day and time slot that you would like, and I will put down that you will be praying on this day and time every week.

Every week I would like to hear your prayer requests.  For the secrecy of all, I will only post a prayer request on the website or announce on YouTube channel, if you would like me to, if not, it will be added to the private prayer chain , so that we are may be unified in prayer for all requests.  You may email me with total confidence in knowing that everything is between us, no one else will ever know any information that you want held in strict confidence. My email address is  You may also message me through any of my Facebook pages or the ministry website.
Throughout the month I will add new prayer requests to, for you to add to your prayer list, not only for the individuals, but for what is going on around our beautiful world.  You will also be able to post your comments either asking for prayer or about blessings that have been received through this time, on this blog or on the LLTC page on FB.  I will update this page once a week of any praise reports and prayers. 
God is raising an army of prayer warriors, so we need to learn to fight the good fight through prayer!  The power of prayer is in numbers and this is a great way to start our Church moving forward.  We are in hard times in the US and all over the world, currently.  We forget sometimes what God wants us to do!  Always the answer is Pray!
On this one day a week I ask you to take however long you feel is necessary to go before God and pray.  Does not matter the time of day, how long or short, or where you are, just pray!  In return, I would also like to hear of anything that God may have shown you throughout your pray time. Please let me know any feedback you have about how things are going.  I look forward to seeing how many of our prayers are answered and how many of you enjoy praying.

My prayer is that all of you will use this site to glorify the Lord. 

Many Blessings for the journey ahead,
Pastor Jean Marie

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)
14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.


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