Call To Arms Confession

A Call To Arms Confession
By: Jean-Marie

I am a warrior in the Army of God within the Heavenly places.
I can overcome my enemy in the Name of Jesus Christ.
No weapon can be formed against me and no evil will befall me, and no plague will come near my dwelling place.
I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus, so that I may bring hope and encouragement into the world.
I claim the mind of Christ, so that I have the love that He has for others.
I am a child of the most high God and because of this I will not falter.
I am a conqueror who will prosper through God’s Holy Spirit power.
I will never be ashamed of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for they abide in me forever instructing and comforting my walk day by day.
For I am apart of this Army of God and will fight for only His Power, Glory and Honor and not my own.
I praise You Lord for saving me and choosing me to fight the good fight, where the battle has already been won.
I’m proud to proclaim this day in Your victory, with Jesus by my side!


Read Psalm 91 with the confession as a prayer.

Be blessed as you walk through your journey this week.

In Christ's love,
Pastor Jean-Marie


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