Confessional Prayer

Here's another prayer for you all this week.  Keep me in your prayers as well, as I move forward with my ministry, online and prayer groups.  Thanks to you all!  May God have all the Glory.  Enjoy!

Heavenly Father-

I come to You this day with praise and thanksgiving in my heart.  I thank You for answering all my prayers according to the promises You have given to us in Your word.  I praise You for making me righteous through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who shed His blood so that I may live.  I ask that Your Holy Spirit continue to cleanse my heart, who brings forth Your lovingkindness in my everyday life. I pray that Your Spirit will go out through me, to minister to all those who I meet. Help me now Lord, as I come to You humbly asking for Your will be done in my life and all those who are dear to me, for I know that You only have our best interests in Your care. Continue to guide me and mold me into what You would like for me to be.  I am Your servant who honors You in all Your ways. Make me an instrument of Your righteousness that yields to You for Your service, honor and glory, which You have given to me. Knowing that the Blood of Jesus covers and protects me in all that I do.  I command that the devil have no place in my life, nor any authority over me, in the name of Jesus.  I ask for Your angels to go before me to strengthen my walk, so I will follow the path that You have chosen for me.

Thank You Lord for making me an instrument for You! 
In Jesus’ name I pray.

2 Corinthians 2:14  (NIV)
 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.

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