A little note

Here's a small little poem I wrote, as I'm thinking about some #friends who need our #prayers and are going through rough times.  Pray for all those you love, the nation, or whatever your heart desires.  Life is too short not to take the time to pray.

Be Thankful

Be Thankful for the time that is given:
For it is very short!

Be Thankful for today;
For there may be no tomorrow!

Be Thankful for all of those who surround you;
For they need to know you'll love them forever!

Be Thankful for what you have;
For not everyone is as fortunate!

Be Thankful for the Earth;
For it is very precious to maintain!

Be Thankful for the Lord;
For He created it all!

Have a blessed night.  God bless all who read this.

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