Welcome Back!

Good Day Everyone!  Peace be with you.  I'm sorry that I haven't been keeping up with this blog and hope that all of you have been well for the past couple of years.  There's been many things happening in my life that took me away from the ministry for a while.  Now with everything that is going on in this world ready or not I need to come back and promote prayer and Jesus Christ more than ever.

I hope that you will find this blog informative about prayer, as well as, feel free to post your prayer requests, as we all need prayer in our lives in some way or another right now.  If you need prayer and don't want everyone to see your posts, your welcome to contact me through my website at www.iamhomeministries.org.  This will be between us and confidential for no one else to see.

I pray for all that you get what you need for your families, yourself and those closest to you.

Many blessings!

Pastor Jeanne Marie

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