Strengthening of the Mind: Confession and Prayer
A prayer and confession for you today!

I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus! Therefore, I have the mind of Christ
1Corinthians 2:16

For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 6:6

Because I have accepted that Jesus is my Savior and that there is one faith through Him, I am strengthened in belief for the strengthening of my mind, following God's instructions...

To first and foremost Cast all my cares upon Him for He cares for me. Leaning not on my own understanding but on the faith that He will take care of everything that comes before me.
In all my ways, I will acknowledge that God is with me so He can direct my paths towards His righteousness.

I glorify the Lord for I am wonderfully made and praise Him for He knew me from the time I was conceived in my mothers womb.

I continually will thank my God for giving me the strength to move forward and love. I will not allow any condemnation or judgment to take it's hold. So therefore I will repeat that I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus and nothing can come against me for He has given me the mind of Christ
Thank you Lord, for all You have done and are about to do in my life.


I pray that today you will help me in the renewing of my mind. That I may put on the new man which has been created according to you, God, in righteousness and holiness.

Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be gone from me in the name of Jesus. That through Your healing hand I receive a yearning to be kind to my neighbor, tenderhearted, and forgiving, just as You God, forgave me when I accepted Christ into the center of my life. I ask also that You would help me to meditate on whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, also if there is anything of virtue or praiseworthy, that I may be focused on these things. For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Help me, Oh Lord, to be humble under Your mighty hand, that You will exalt me in due time, casting all my care upon You, Lord, because I know You care for me. For who has known the mind of the Lord that He may instruct him? But I have the mind of Christ.

As I walk in Your will, help me to keep in mind that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. For in knowing and remembering, I am able to stay focused on Your goodness and the goodness that Christ brought to this earth.

Therefore, having been justified by this faith, I have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also I have access by faith into this grace, in which, I understand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

In closing Lord, I ask that You help me not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, that I may prove what is good and acceptable within Your perfect will, Oh God. I pray for this so I may magnify and praise You in all that You do for me, so I may always stay focused upon You.

Thank You for making me a new person in You!


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