Prayer Warriors Unite in Prayer
Calling to arms all prayer warriors of God. Please read the prayer that was written, that is much needed for our world and for our nation. As things have been moving from bad to worse, we need to gather together in prayer and fight this battle spiritually not just physically. We need to ask for forgiveness about the way others have felt about the Christian faith, as some of our Christian leaders have lead them astray. There is no racial differences in heaven, so why should there be here on earth. We need to love people back to God, before there is no saving the world. Through this pandemic and racial outcry, I've realized that people are living in a fear, that goes beyond our comprehension, instead of turning to God through prayer. Prayer is the most important way to fight any battle, if you're an intercessor, you above all know this, for fear is a liar and is not from God. We need to quit fighting our battles with relentless discord and start figh...