
Showing posts from August, 2015

Thy Lovingkindness

Here is the #prayer that I promised for today!  #God has been showing us lately that we need to unite as a #Christian community for the harvest is starting to go dry and blow away.  We need to be praying more now than ever, as well as, showing people the true love of Christ.  Quit rejecting others because of their opinions or beliefs.  We need to start opening up our hearts to the Truth that is in us and leading them in the right direction instead of astray.  Yes, tell them they are sinners, but so are we, all saved by the same grace.  Join with us in the fight for our Christian faith, it's time for the Army of God to rise being renewed and revived. Heavenly Father- I come humbly before you this day, to ask you for forgiveness for my feelings towards others.  I thank you for your mercy and your grace that abounds in my life. I pray that you show me how to incorporate both of them into my thoughts and actions through my walk in life.  In the Name of Jesus I command all evil th

Uniting Together

We need to be united in #Christ for we are all #children of God.  Let's #pray this weekend that we put our differences aside and start showing what the true love of Christ is.   I will be posting a prayer on Sunday to reflect Christ's love and wisdom.  Please make sure to check back. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus . Galatians 3:28   NKJV

#Prayer for Claiming Your #Day

This is a prayer that was written combining scripture for my #daily walk with the Lord.  I will be posting these types of prayers for the next couple of weeks.  Please enjoy and use them as you need to. Heavenly Father: Upon waking this beautiful morning, I ask that You would "cause me to hear Your loving kindness this morning." For in You I do trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You, Lord!             Psalm 143:8 I will praise You this day for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well.             Psalm 139:14 Keep me, Oh Lord, from the hands of the wicked; Preserve me from violent men Who have purposed to make my steps stumble.                                             Psalm 140:4 I take full authority in this day, In the Name of Jesus! No evil shall befall me, Nor shall any plague come near my dwelling.                                       Psalm 9

#Praise #God

Praise God for this beautiful, gorgeous and prosperous day!  #Thank You Lord for all You have done in our lives and are about to do for Jesus, You make my life Glorious!  I praise You for all that, You Lord, have done for our nation, our families, and our brothers and sisters that are in You!  Please heal all those who are sick, prosper all those who are in need and direct the paths of our leaders.  We praise You, Jesus for this wonderful day!  Amen Psalm 118:24 New King James Version (NKJV) 24  This  is  the day the  Lord  has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

No Greater Love

We need to continue to #love and #pray for each other.  These are hard times, so we must show the #joy that Jesus has for us all. Praise the Lord for His mercy & love. John 15:11-14 11  “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and  that  your joy may be full.   12  This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.   13  Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.   14  You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.

#Scripture for Today Phil. 4:4-9

4 # Rejoice in the #Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!   5  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.   6  Do not be anxious about anything,  but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.   7  And the peace of God,  which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.   9  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.  And the God of peace  will be with you. Go forth with peace today friends, no worries.  Rejoice in the Lord!

Unified Prayer Ministry: Joyfully We Come!

Unified Prayer Ministry: Joyfully We Come! : We need to come before the #Lord with #Praise and #Thanksgiving, #worshiping and joyfully bringing ourselves to the Most High God. Praise ...

Joyfully We Come!

We need to come before the #Lord with #Praise and #Thanksgiving, #worshiping and joyfully bringing ourselves to the Most High God. Praise and Thanksgiving are two very important parts in praying.  God not only wants to hear what we need but He loves to hear the praises of His people to Him.  Waking up and thanking God for our day and asking for His blessings is a great way to start any day. Let's come before Him today with a joyful and thankful heart, praising Him for all that He has done and is about to do! Psalm 95 New King James Version (NKJV) A Call to Worship and Obedience 95  Oh come, let us sing to the  Lord ! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. 2  Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. 3  For the  Lord   is  the great God, And the great King above all gods. 4  In His hand  are  the deep places of the earth; The heights of the hills  are  His also. 5  The sea  is  His, for He made it; And His h

#Minister Together

We are in need of gathering together as #"THE CHURCH", not only through #prayer but in our beliefs. The harvest is ripe and the workers are few. This world is in turmoil and distress, looking for answers in all the wrong places, much like the Hebrews when they came out of Egypt in Exodus.  We have a savior and His name is JESUS. We just need to bring Him forth in our everyday journeys, whether at work or at play. We need to stop just going to church in a building once or twice a week and getting fat on the Word of God. Instead, we need to be out there teaching His word to those who are in need and are looking for THE Savior! God has given us the ability to walk the walk of faith and righteousness. We have His love within us and need to show it to others as Christ did. Don't think that just because you don't have the title of preacher or doctor, that you are unable to help this world. All it takes is one person LOVING another one day at a time. Spread the LOVE OF CHRIS