Prayer is not just speaking with God

The subject of prayer is one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented subjects in the Church today. Many of us get caught in by the opinions of many preachers and theologians who seem to confuse us, with their various principles on the different types of prayer. I do not believe that the subject of prayer is meant to be taken lightly among God's people and should be an open line of communication that is effective and powerful to God, who is our heavenly Father and through the name of His Son Jesus. Many Christians today are confused with the many elements of prayer, how long shall I pray? Does God really hear me? Do I pray too often or not ofter enough? These are all questions we ask ourselves. In the next few weeks, I will be posting on this blog as well as on my website the meaning and power behind prayer. There are many ways to pray and we will go over them all as God would like us to continue on our spiritual venture of prayer for these hard times that we are in.

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