#Prayer of #Strength
Here's one of my #prayers, I pray, to get #strength throughout my #day. I hope you all enjoy. Almighty Father, You are the source of my strength and my life. I humbly seek Your presence and strive for Your knowledge. I crave to know You as You know me, for the creator of all knows all that He has made, each and every remarkable piece. I will forever glorify in Your mercy, oh Lord, and praise You for Your love. I ask that the love that You show me will come forth in all that I do and say today and throughout the week. I ask for Your grace and forgiveness to flow out of me towards others as I am Your servant who is continually striving to be like Your Son, Jesus. I know that I have a responsibility, as a servant of the Lord, to show love towards others no matter who they are or what they have done. For to be a Christian means that we are to follow the lead that Christ Gave and He could not do more than to die for us in the love that He had for us, for He knew everyone...