
Speaking to the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37:1-14

  Speaking to the Dry Bones Pastor Jean-Marie Ezekiel 37:1-14 Declaration   We DECLARE the Word spoken in Ezekiel 37:4 and command the Word of the Lord by saying to the dry bones of God’s people to HEAR the WORD of the LORD GOD!   We DECLARE that GOD will cause His breath to enter the CHURCH and bring them back to life.  According to Ezekiel 37:5- 6.  So that they will gain Wisdom to bring the CHURCH together in unity!   We DECLARE Ezekiel 37:9 and we PROPHECY as Ezekiel Prophesied to the breath.  As the Lord said, “Come from the four winds, O Breath, and BREATHE on these slain, that they may live!”  We prophesy this over the CHURCH and DECLARE that Holy Spirit You will come and breathe on Your people for UNITY, POWER, and Your GLORY to be upheld upon the Earth in this season.  In the NAME of JESUS, we DECLARE this to be done.   We DECREE the ANGELS to carry out these declarations, In the Name of Jesus, that is from HOLY SPIRIT.  An...

Overcoming Bitterness with Love

  31  Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.  32  And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.   Ephesians 4:31-32   Bitterness is a poison that will enter your mind, body, and soul,  it will always have ill effects on your person, changing who you are, and messing with who you are supposed to be.   Once the “root” of bitterness takes hold of you administering its venom, it does not want to let go, because it knows it can kill you.  Yes, bitterness is established within us in many forms, from physical complications, mental illnesses, to the very heart of our spirits, and yes, it can kill you if you allow it to.  It is a demon that prowls looking for those it can devour with its bite.  So, we ask the question:  How is it that God allows bitterness to make its way into our lives?  Is t...

Fear : Bondage of a False Truth

  "Fear is the bubble of bondage surrounding the people of God (His Church), that is stopping us from uniting to do God's work." What does this mean? Fear lies and deceives us into a false belief of who we are in Christ, what God wants for us, why we should or should not do as God wants us to do. Look at the past year and what was the biggest player in the evil within it? The answer is FEAR. There has been so much fear from the pandemic, fires, bad weather, political & racial unrest, a heightening fear of death, and losing all that we have as far as the freedoms we have to the keeping of our jobs. False Evidence Appearing to be Right = FEAR , this is the only acronym that I have found describing what this bondage is like. This is a fabrication of the mind that hurts you mentally, while it tries to creep its way into the deepest part of our soul. This is what causes the bondage within us that can cause us physical, mental, and even spiritual anguish if allowed in...

The Least of These

  The Least of These By Pastor Jean Marie   “When you receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, God meets you where you are at.   When you start down the path of righteousness, God is there to walk you and guide you through, to where He always will meet you at the end, on the other side of life.”   By Jean Marie   During this year of 2020, God has been giving us a time out to reflect on the important things in our lives.   For example, family, fellowship, faith, friendship, and most important love for one another including the love we have for Him.   God is trying to bring His people to their knees in prayer and we have found in this time of need that few want to come together to show love, instead, we are seeing hate in our countries and even more than expected, from people within the Body of Christ, His Church.   Those who are not yielding to what God is doing in this movement in time.   We need to be cautious that we ar...

Thanksgiving & Praise 2020

  Thanksgiving & Praise 2020   First, you may be asking yourself, what should Thanksgiving look like in the year 2020?   Let us take a look at the year that has changed so many of our lives, and still continues to.   Since Thanksgiving Day is almost here, we need to start this week and end this week with thanksgiving for what we have gained and remember the challenges we have faced, to be able to THANK and PRAISE GOD for getting us through each hour of each day of this past year to now.   We have faced many things including loss of family members, a pandemic, loss of jobs, loss of financial security, mental health issues, strange weather, chaos with civil unrest, political deceit, and some have even lost their faith.   So, you ask, how is it we can be thankful for anything?   Well, God does know that there are a lot of us that are having a problem with prayer, thanksgiving, and praising Him.   He understands each of our situations, howev...