Fear : Bondage of a False Truth

"Fear is the bubble of bondage surrounding the people of God (His Church), that is stopping us from uniting to do God's work." What does this mean? Fear lies and deceives us into a false belief of who we are in Christ, what God wants for us, why we should or should not do as God wants us to do. Look at the past year and what was the biggest player in the evil within it? The answer is FEAR. There has been so much fear from the pandemic, fires, bad weather, political & racial unrest, a heightening fear of death, and losing all that we have as far as the freedoms we have to the keeping of our jobs. False Evidence Appearing to be Right = FEAR , this is the only acronym that I have found describing what this bondage is like. This is a fabrication of the mind that hurts you mentally, while it tries to creep its way into the deepest part of our soul. This is what causes the bondage within us that can cause us physical, mental, and even spiritual anguish if allowed in...