
Showing posts from November, 2020

Thanksgiving & Praise 2020

  Thanksgiving & Praise 2020   First, you may be asking yourself, what should Thanksgiving look like in the year 2020?   Let us take a look at the year that has changed so many of our lives, and still continues to.   Since Thanksgiving Day is almost here, we need to start this week and end this week with thanksgiving for what we have gained and remember the challenges we have faced, to be able to THANK and PRAISE GOD for getting us through each hour of each day of this past year to now.   We have faced many things including loss of family members, a pandemic, loss of jobs, loss of financial security, mental health issues, strange weather, chaos with civil unrest, political deceit, and some have even lost their faith.   So, you ask, how is it we can be thankful for anything?   Well, God does know that there are a lot of us that are having a problem with prayer, thanksgiving, and praising Him.   He understands each of our situations, however, we need to reflect on what we do ha

Hope in the Lord!

  When we put our hope and faith in someone or something, they will always fail us.   However, when we put our hope in the Lord, He will never fail us. This year has been strange I do have to agree with this.   Through all that has been going on some of us are losing or have lost hope in God.   This is not the answer.   If anything, as for me, what has happened is I have gained more hope and faith in God.   I have gained a personal relationship with Him that is even greater than before.   He knows the plans He has for us and will make a way for those plans to come into play, no matter what it takes. (Jeremiah 29:11)     God loves us unconditionally, in a way that is beyond our comprehension and thoughts.   His way is perfect, as He is the only one who knows the future we are to have. In this time of unrest, we have found that man deceives, hates, and lacks respect.   We cannot count on those who are in the power of our nations to save us.   Our only hope is in the Lord.   These men